- Koji Hukushima and Werner Krauth,
“Damage spreading and coupling in spin glasses and hard spheres,”
Frontiers in Physics, 12 (2025)
https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2024.1507250 - Yuma Ichikawa and Koji Hukushima,
“Statistical Mechanics of Min-Max Problems,”
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2025
プチ解説はこちら - Yuki Sakishita, Fuyuki Nabeshima, Atsutaka Maeda, and Koji Hukushima,
“Bayesian Estimation of Thin-film X-ray Laue Oscillation Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method,”
Japanese Physical Society of Japan, 94, 014001, 2025
- Kai Nakaishi and Koji Hukushima,
“Statistical properties of probabilistic context-sensitive grammars,”
Physical Review Research 6, 033216, 2024
解説はそのうち書く。プレスリリースはこちら。 - Aki Dote and Koji Hukushima,
“Effect of constraint relaxation on dynamic critical phenomena in minimum vertex cover problem,”
Europhysics Letters, Volume 147, Number 1, 147 11005, 2024
プチ解説はそのうち書く - Yamato Arai, Yuma Ichikawa, and Koji Hukushima,
“Adaptive Flip Graph Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication,”
ISSAC ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, July 2024, Pages 292 – 298
この研究のプチ解説はこちらから - Yasushi Nagano and Koji Hukushima,
“Effect of global shrinkage parameter of horseshoe prior in compressed sensing,”
J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 053402
プチ解説はこちらから - Yuma Ichikawa and Koji Hukushima,
“Learning Dynamics in Linear VAE: Posterior Collapse Threshold, Superfluous Latent Space Pitfalls, and Speedup with KL Annealing,”
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1936-1944, 2024
プチ解説はこちらから - Aki Dote and Koji Hukushima,
“Effect of constraint relaxation on the minimum vertex cover problem in random graphs,”
Phys. Rev. E 109, 044304 – Published 5 April 2024
プチ解説はこちら - Masashi Hase, Ryo Tamura, Koji Hukushima, Shinichiro Asai, Takatsugu Masuda, Shinichi Itoh, and Andreas Dönni,
“Inelastic neutron scattering studies on the eight-spin zigzag-chain compound KCu4P3O12: Confirmation of the validity of a data-driven technique based on machine learning,”
Phys. Rev. B 109, 094434 – Published 25 March 2024
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.094434 - Ryo Nakanishi and Koji Hukushima
“Emergence of compact disordered phase in a polymer Potts model,”
Phys. Rev. E 109, 014405, 2024.
プチ解説はこちら - Mizuki Yamaguchi, Naoto Shiraishi & Koji Hukushima
“Proof of Avoidability of the Quantum First-Order Transition in Transverse Magnetization in Quantum Annealing of Finite-Dimensional Spin Glasses,”
J Stat Phys 191, 12, 2024.
- Kota Yoshiyama and Koji Hukushima
“Higher-order tensor renormalization group study of the J1−J2 Ising model on a square lattice”,
Physical Review E, 108, 054124, 2023.
プチ解説というか研究コメント - Yasushi Nagano and Koji Hukushima
“Phase transition in compressed sensing with horseshoe prior”,
Physical Review E, 107, 034126, 2023.
- Yuma Ichikawa and Koji Hukushima,
“Statistical-mechanical Study of Deep Boltzmann Machine Given Weight Parameters after Training by Singular Value Decomposition”,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 114001, 2022.
簡単解説はこちら - Kai Nakaishi, Koji Hukushima,
“Absence of Phase Transition in Random Language Model”,
Physical Review Research, 4, 023156, 2022.
この論文のプチ解説 - Hiroaki Inoue, Koji Hukushima, and Toshiaki Omori,
“Estimating Distributions of Parameters in Nonlinear State Space Models with Replica Exchange Particle Marginal Metropolis–Hastings Method”,
Entropy 24 (1), 115, 2022.
- Takeo Hoshi, Daishiro Sakata, Shotaro Oie, Izumi Mochizuki, Satoru Tanaka, Toshio Hyodo, Koji Hukushima,
“Data-driven sensitivity analysis in surface structure determination using total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD)”,
Computer Physics Communications, 271, 108186, 2022.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108186 - Hiroaki Inoue, Koji Hukushima, and Toshiaki Omori
“Estimation of Neuronal Dynamics of Izhikevich Neuron Models from Spike-Train Data with Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 104801 (2021)
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSJ.90.104801 - Harukuni Ikeda and Koji Hukushima
“Nonaffine displacements below jamming under athermal quasistatic compression”
Phys. Rev. E 103, 032902 (2021)
- Kota Yoshiyama and Koji Hukushima
“Higher-Order Tensor Renormalization Group Approach to Lattice Glass Model”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 104003 (2020)
プチ解説 - Hiroaki Inoue, Koji Hukushima and Toshiaki Omori
“Replica Exchange Particle-Gibbs Method with Ancestor Sampling”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 104801 (2020)
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSJ.89.104801 - Yoshihiko Nishikawa and Koji Hukushima
“Lattice Glass Model in Three Spatial Dimensions”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 065501 – Published 5 August 2020
まだちゃんと書いてないけど論文の背景 - Ryo Tamura, Koji Hukushima, Akira Matsuo, Koichi Kindo, and Masashi Hase
“Data-driven determination of the spin Hamiltonian parameters and their uncertainties: The case of the zigzag-chain compound KCu4P3O12“
Phys. Rev. B 101, 224435– Published 29 June 2020
DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.224435 - Hiori Kino, Kohji Nakamura, Koji Hukushima, Takashi Miyake, and Dam Hieu Chi
“Maximum Separated Distribution with High Interpretability Found Using an Exhaustive Search Method —Application to Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Fe/Co Films—”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 064802 (2020)
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSJ.89.064802 Editor’s choice
日本物理学会の簡単解説 - Nobuya Sato, Tomoki Yamashita, Tamio Oguchi, Koji Hukushima, and Takashi Miyake
“Adjusting the descriptor for a crystal structure search using Bayesian optimization”
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 033801 – Published 19 March 2020
- Jun Takahashi and Koji Hukushima
“Phase transitions in quantum annealing of an NP-hard problem detected by fidelity susceptibility”
J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 043102
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ab0819
簡単論文解説 - Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Koji Hukushima, and Werner Krauth
“Solid-liquid transition of skyrmions in a two-dimensional chiral magnet”
Physica Review B 99, 064435
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.064435
- Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno and Koji Hukushima
“Data-driven diagnosis for compressed sensing with cross validation”
Physical Review E 98, 052120 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.052120 - Yuta Mizuno and Koji Hukushima
“Power-law decay in the nonadiabatic photodissociation dynamics of alkali halides due to quantum wavepacket interference”
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 174313 (2018)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5048957 - Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada, and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
“Statistical mechanical analysis of sparse linear regression as a variable selection problem”
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018, 103401 (2018)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/aae02c - Masato Anada, Kazuhiro Kowa, Hiroki Maeda, Enju Sakai, Miho Kitamura, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Osami Sakata, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada, Tsuyoshi Kimura, and Yusuke Wakabayashi
“Spatial coherence of the insulating phase in quasi-two-dimensional LaNiO3 films”
Physical Review B 98, 014105 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.014105 - Yasuhiko Igarashi, Hikaru Takenaka, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Makoto Uemura, Shiro Ikeda, and Masato Okada
“Exhaustive search for sparse variable selection in linear regression”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 044802 (2018)
DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.87.044802 - Masamichi J. Miyama and Koji Hukushima
“Real-space analysis of scanning tunneling microscopy topography datasets using sparse modeling approach”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 044801 (2018)
DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.87.044801 - Ryo Tamura and Koji Hukushima
“Bayesian optimization for computationally extensive probability distributions”
PLOS ONE 13, e0193785 (2018)
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193785 - Satoshi Takabe, Takanori Maehara, and Koji Hukushima
“Typical approximation performance for maximum coverage problem”
Physical Review E 97, 022138 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.022138 - Hirotaka Sakamoto, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, and Masato Okada
“Influence of averaging preprocessing on image analysis with a Markov random field model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 024802 (2018)
DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.87.024802
- Masato Anada, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada, Tsuyoshi Kimura, and Yusuke Wakabayashi
“Bayesian inference of metal oxide ultrathin film structure based on crystal truncation rod measurements”
Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, 1611-1616 (2017)
DOI: 10.1107/S1600576717013292 - Jun Takahashi, Satoshi Takabe, and Koji Hukushima
“An exact algorithm exhibiting RS-RSB/easy-hard correspondence for the maximum independent set problem”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86, 073001 (2017)
DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.86.073001 - Ryo Tamura and Koji Hukushima
“Method for estimating spin-spin interactions from magnetization curves”
Physical Review B 95, 064407 (2017)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.064407
- S Takabe, K Hukushima “Typical performance of approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems”Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (11), 113401 6 2016
- T Omori, T Kuwatani, A Okamoto, K Hukushima “Bayesian inversion analysis of nonlinear dynamics in surface heterogeneous reactions”
Physical Review E 94 (3), 033305 5 2016 - Y Sakai, K Hukushima “Irreversible simulated tempering” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (10), 104002 5 2016
- Y Sakai, K Hukushima “Irreversible simulated tempering algorithm with skew detailed balance conditions: a learning method of weight factors in simulated tempering” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 750 (1), 012013 1 2016
- Y Nishikawa, K Hukushima “Event-chain Monte Carlo algorithm for continuous spin systems and its application” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 750 (1), 012014 4 2016
- Y Nishikawa, K Hukushima “Phase transitions and ordering structures of a model of chiral helimagnet in three dimensions” Physical Review B 94 (6), 064428 17 2016
- Y Nakanishi-Ohno, M Haze, Y Yoshida, K Hukushima, Y Hasegawa, M Okada “Compressed sensing in scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy for observation of quasi-particle interference” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (9), 093702 5 2016
- M Sasaki, K Hukushima “Numerical Detection of Ergodicity Breaking in a Glass Model” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (7), 074602 2016
- S Takabe, K Hukushima “Statistical mechanical analysis of linear programming relaxation for combinatorial optimization problems”
Physical Review E 93 (5), 053308 3 2016 - Y Sakai, K Hukushima “Eigenvalue analysis of an irreversible random walk with skew detailed balance conditions” Physical Review E 93 (4), 043318 9 2016
- T Omori, K Hukushima “Extracting nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamics in active dendrites using data-driven statistical approach” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 699 (1), 012011
- Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno and Koji Hukushima
“Data-driven diagnosis for compressed sensing algorithms”
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1036, 012014 (2018)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1036/1/012014 - Yasuhiko Igarashi, Hiroko Ichikawa, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Hikaru Takenaka, Daiki Kawabata, Satoshi Eifuku, Ryoi Tamura, Kenji Nagata, and Masato Okada
“ES-DoS: Exhaustive search and density-of-states estimation as a general framework for sparse variable selection”
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1036, 012001 (2018)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1036/1/012001